
From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

In this series, targets used for shooting practice, are appropriated and manipulated altering the original context.

H.S.T. 23 guns
H.S.T. 23 guns

From the "Targets" Series. Conté crayon and transfer lettering on paper. 2014

Pyramid Target
Pyramid Target

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015


From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2016

Perhaps (Burroughs)
Perhaps (Burroughs)

From the "Targets" Series. Pigment print on paper. 2015

Target Cosmology 180
Target Cosmology 180

From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2013


From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

Target Tank
Target Tank

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon, graphite and ink on paper. 2015


From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2014

Four and Five
Four and Five

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

A Fire – Deshimaru
A Fire – Deshimaru

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon on paper. 2014

All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye

From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2014

H.S.T. 23 guns
Pyramid Target
Perhaps (Burroughs)
Target Cosmology 180
Target Tank
Four and Five
A Fire – Deshimaru
All Seeing Eye

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

In this series, targets used for shooting practice, are appropriated and manipulated altering the original context.

H.S.T. 23 guns

From the "Targets" Series. Conté crayon and transfer lettering on paper. 2014

Pyramid Target

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015


From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2016

Perhaps (Burroughs)

From the "Targets" Series. Pigment print on paper. 2015

Target Cosmology 180

From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2013


From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

Target Tank

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon, graphite and ink on paper. 2015


From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2014

Four and Five

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon and ink on paper. 2015

A Fire – Deshimaru

From the "Targets" Series. Conté Crayon on paper. 2014

All Seeing Eye

From the "Targets" Series. Ink on paper. 2014

show thumbnails